Davis Temperature/Humidity Sensor w/24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield
Davis Temperature/Humidity Sensor w/Radiation Shield
Davis USB Power Cord f/Vantage Vue, Vantage Pro2 & Weather Envoy
Davis UV Sensor
Davis Vantage Pro2 Wireless Weather Station w/WeatherLink Console & Standard Radiation Shield
Davis Vantage Pro2 Wireless Weather Station w/WeatherLink Console, 24hr Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield, UV & Solar Sensors
Davis Vantage Vue Wireless Integrated Sensor Suite
Davis Vantage Vue Wireless Weather Station w/WeatherLink Console
Davis WeatherLink Console
Davis WeatherLink f/Vantage Pro2 & Vantage Vue®
Davis Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station - No Sensors
Davis Yagi Antenna f/Long Range Repeater
Schaefer Great Hawk Wind Indicator f/Boats From 8M - 20M
Schaefer Hawk Race f/Single Handed Racing Dinghies
Schaefer Hawk Wind Indicator f/Boats up to 8M - 10"
Schaefer Little Hawk Mk 2 Wind Indicator
Schaefer Little Hawk MK1 Wind Indicator f/Dinghies Up To 6M
Schaefer Little Hawk Race Wind Indicator f/Boats up to 8M